
Title1.Tools quickly transforms manual, labor-intensive processes into streamlined digital workflows that increase productivity and save time, money, and materials for everyone.

To learn how Title1.Tools can help you, schedule a demo today.


No upfront investment

Our secure, cloud-based management and compliance tools enable a quick launch with no upfront costs whatsoever. No hardware costs, no software installation, no ongoing development and maintenance costs. Title1.Tools gives you peace of mind so you can focus on the success of your schools and their students rather than worry about your information technology.

Paperless, online, 24/7

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) work in partnership with their schools to guarantee that Title I funds are spent effectively and insure a higher level of achievement for all students.

Custom, Guided, Streamlined

All reporting requirements are laid out as a well-organized and clearly-defined list of simple TODO tasks (benchmarks). Each benchmark contains detailed and clear instructions on what information and documents must be submitted and when to submit it.

Title1.Tools sends timely reminders to all schools regarding pending, past due or missing benchmarks. All communication, information and documents are easily accessible to authoerized users at all times.


Title1.Tools is an all-inclusive software service that is licensed on a per-school per-year basis. Volume discounts are available. Please email us for a price quote today at sales@title1-tools.com. We look forward to serving you and your students.